Face Reading | Acupuncture | Coaching

Reconnect, Awaken and Empower with Life Changing Appointments to Live a Rich and Rewarding Life

Mind Body Spirit

Heal | Sarah Elcome

Live Long, Live Well

As a Face Reader, Five Element Acupuncturist and Coach I have the tools to help you heal and change your life.

Leaving you in better health to live a rich and rewarding life.

Reconnect and align to mind, body and spirit, to live the life you were born to live

Awaken your heart and realise your true potential

Empower with embodiment practices, self knowledge, instinct and wisdom

  • “I would definitely agree with the sentiment that a Face Reading is life changing, it really challenged a lot of the beliefs I had around myself and has definitely encouraged some enquiry into what I am doing in terms of my career and definitely in my personal and my home life as well”

    /C.M, Kent/

  • “These sessions with Sarah are simply life-changing. Sarah's ability to deeply listen to concerns, locate areas of pain/discomfort and provide Acupuncture for whatever is going on in that moment, in my opinion, is truly magical.”

    /R.L, Lancaster, Lancashire/

  • “I would recommend that anyone speaks to Sarah for Coaching - you will be both pleased and surprised by what comes out of your conversations.”


  • “Thank you for changing my life! I cannot recommend Sarah enough, over the last 2 months she has changed my whole outlook on life.”

    /R.A, Lancashire/

  • Initially nervous, I found the experience of having my face read by Sarah deeply moving and inspirational. She has helped me make unexpected connections and start moving through emotions that have become stuck, leading a number of health issues. I’m so grateful I took the leap!

    /K.E, Sussex/


  • Face readings are based on a background of chinese medicine, five element philosophy and my teachers family lineage.

    A reading can focus on many areas such as mind/body health conditions, our tendency towards behavioural patterns, personality traits as well as past traumas, emotional blockages.

    It also highlights your underlying strengths, unique talents and abilities and a deeper insight into your true nature.

    Heal mind body health complaints, or enlighten you to a root cause of a chronic health aliment that have been previously untreatable.

    Validate you and your face, with understanding your unique gifts afd strengths with your facial features

    Heal and release old wounds, trauma, emotional blockages

    Navigate challenging life transitions or life paths, such a work, career, relationships.

    Regain clarity when feeling lost or blocked

    Finding purpose and live the life you were born to live

    Deepen your awareness or your true nature and the acceptance of you.

    Find out more about Face Reading

  • Five Element Acupuncture treats the root cause of disease, by treating you the person.

    It’s common to come in with a variety of complaints from the mind and body such as anxiety, headaches, shoulder pain, menopausal symptoms or low mood.

    When mind and body are suffering so does our spirit, we see this as a general lacking of joy, restlessness and a feeling of discontent.

    I bring a unique and individual healing experience with Five Element Acupuncture.

    Diagnostically using the five element framework and face reading techniques if needed. It’s common for me to add elements of coaching, breathwork and movement into each appointment where necessary to support your healing.

    Find out more about Acupuncture

  • When overwhelmed with either life or health challenges we can feel sad, scared, frustrated, lost and blocked.

    Our life and health are inextricably linked and it’s common that one will affect the other.

    Coaching is another system of healing support, to create clarity and to help you move forward.

    It also helps build your confidence, provide better self awareness with the ability to know yourself more deeply, improve relationships of all kinds, communicate from the heart, as well as having purpose and direction and an improved overall wellbeing.

    Find out more about Coaching

  • Based in Lancaster, The Community Acupuncture Clinic is open Wednesdays 11.30am to 3.30pm every week.

    Appointments are 45 minutes and £45

    To find out more about Community Acupuncture Clinic